Hyun-min Jeong90 2006, Forest Science Museum Forest Science Museum 산림과학박물관(미동산수목원) 2006. 4. 13. Wood identification and Dendrochronology for old miscellaneous goods of wood 2016. 1. 20. The Second East Asia Workshop on Tree-Ring Analysis, 1998 The Second East Asia Workshop on Tree-Ring Analysis 제2회 동아시아 연륜해석 국제워크숍 Chungbuk National University and Chonnam National University, South Korea 1998. 25-30. October PREFACE Internation Workshop on Asian and Pacific Dendrochrnology had been held in Tsukuba, Japan in March, 1995 with successful organization of Dr. Sadaaki Ohta. In this meeting, a dendrochronological field camp or training school.. 2016. 1. 14. Sampling archaeological wood Waterlogging Wood2016. 1. 13. Goryung, South KoreaDendrochronology, Radiocarbon(AMS) dating, Wood species identification 수침고목재(발굴목재) 시료채취 경상북도 고령 2016. 1. 14. Picea Koraiensis, 종비나무 Picea Koraiensis Nakai 종비나무 Korean Spruce ハリモミ– Japanese 紅皮雲杉 - Chinese Anatomical features of Korean Spruce photos by Hyunmin Jeong, South Korea 2016. 1. 5. Picea jezoensis, 가문비나무 Picea jezoensis (Siebold & Zucc.) Carriere 가문비나무 Yeddo Spruce, ezo spruce 魚鱗松 - Chinese エゾマツ – Japanese Mädchenkiefer – German picea di Yezo – Italian ajangran – SwedishAnatomical features of Yeddo spruce 2016. 1. 4. Core microtome by WSL The Core Mircrotome 코어 마이크로톰 A new tool for surface preparation on tree-ring cores to analysis of anatomical parameters by Holger Gartner and Nievergelt. Information of the core-microtome from Dendrochronologia 28(2):85-92생장편의 횡단면을 전처리하기 위한 새로운 기기로써 해부학적 인자를 측정하기 위해서 만들어졌다. 2015. 12. 29. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 15 다음 반응형