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Hyun-min Jeong90

Day 2/Tour 2, 4th International Asian Dendrochronology Conference(ADA2015) Day 2, Afternoon : Conference Tour 2015. 3. 17.
Day 2/Tour1, 4th International Asian Dendrochronology Conference(ADA2015) Day 2, Afternoon : Conference TourBhaktapur Bhaktapur has the best preserved palace courtyards and old city center in Nepal, and is listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for its rich culture, temples, and wood, metal and stone artworks. 2015. 3. 17.
Day 2. 4th International Asian Dendrochronology Conference(ADA2015) Day 2 I'm a nonsmoker Breakfast in Hotel Tenki Climate Change on TPE region TREE RING STUDIES IN HIMALAYAN REGION: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 2015. 3. 17.
Day 1. 4th International Asian Dendrochronology Conference(ADA2015) March 9, 2015 (Monday) The conference was held in Kumari Hall Hotel Annapurna Kathmandu Nepal Dendrochronology in Nepal, Progession with Prospects Understanding the connection of structural components and functional traits of stress responses of trees A 1500-year hydroclimate record in southwestern Japan inferred from tree-ring δ18O Greenhouse experiment with temperature, CO2 and drought scenari.. 2015. 3. 17.
Before, 4th International Asian Dendrochronology Conference(ADA2015) From South Korea To Kathmandu, Nepal08 MAR 2015CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAY - DRAGONAIRKRW 961,100(INCLUDE RETURN) 2015. 3. 17.
Laboratories and People in ASIA Major LaboratoriesTree-ring Lab. Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Links to Personal Home Pages Korea Jeong-wook Seo, Department of Wood & Paper Science, Wood-Chungbuk National UniversityChina Yu Liu, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ResearchGate Qi-Bin Zhang, State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change Eryuan Liang, In.. 2015. 3. 16.