2015, Mountain Gayasan national park Located in the deep inlands of southeastern Korea
Mountain Gayasan national park, South Korea대한민국 경상도, 가야산국립공원Gayasan has 590 plant speies, 22 mammal species, 61 bird species, 11 amphibian species, 5 reptile species, and 423 insect species,. It also has 18 Korean native species and 10 endangered species designate by the ministry of Environment such as the Solnari (Lilium cernum), the Chickweed wintergreen, and the Woodland peony. As the sacred ..
2015. 7. 15.
2014, Mountain Songnisan national park, Chungcheongbuk_do, South Korea
Mountain Songnisan national park, Boeun_gun, Chungcheongbuk_do, South Korea 대한민국 충청북도 보은군 속리산국립공원Sponsored by National Research Foundation of Korea Songnisan has Natural Treasures such as the jeongipumsong(The pine having the position of the second grade in an official post), Otter, Flying squirrel, and Mandarin duck,. In addition, there are many bird species that are designated for the purpose ..
2015. 7. 1.