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PARIS, FRANCE August, 2022 Sorbonne Université / d’André Chastel / Plemo 3D LRMH Le Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques CITE Cite de l'Architecture & du Patrimoine Crypte archeologique de l'ile dela cite notre dame de paris de vitor hugo a eugene viollet-le-duc Notre-Dame de Paris the first months of a renaissance 2023. 8. 31.
Great Memorial with Michael Hübner in Cape Town, South Africa 2007. 10. 5. Our first meeting 2007. 10. 6. Hiking Lion's Head 2007. 10. 9. Meet the cinematographer 2007. 10. 10. In the class 2007. 10. 13. Hiking the table mountain 2007. 10. 14. Swimming pool 2007. 10. 15 Downtown tour by walk 2007. 10. 19. Bycle tour to water front, Swimminng pool and picnic with sunset 2007. 10. 20. Bycle tour aroud Capetown 2007. 10. 20. Farewell party ( this day of 2007 .. 2021. 1. 23.
Tsuga sieboldti 솔송나무(Japanese Hemlock) Tsuga sieboldti Carrière솔송나무 Japanese Hemlock, Southern Japanese Hemlock, Siebold Hemlock ツガ – Japanese Südjapanische Hemlocktanne, – German Tsuga sieboldii – Swedish Anatomical features of Japanese Hemlock photos by Hyunmin Jeong, South Korea 2017. 3. 18.
Picea abies 독일가문비나무(Norway spruce) Picea abies Nakai 독일가문비나무 Norway spruce オウシュウトウヒ(ドイツトウヒ)– Japanese 歐洲雲杉 Gemeine Fichte – German abete rosso– Italian Gran – Swedish Anatomical features of Norway spruce photos by Hyunmin Jeong, South Korea 2017. 3. 18.
5th ADA Conferernce information 5th International Conference of Asian Dendrochronological Association will be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on 13-17 September, 2017.The conference will be organized by Tree Ring Team at National University of Mongolia.Further detailed information will be announced mid-February, 2017.contact: treeringlab@num.edu.mn Mongolian Climate, Ecology & Culture where Mongolia & American ecology and cultur.. 2017. 2. 2.
Family Cornaceae (The dogwood family, 층층나무과) Family Cornaceae (The dogwood family, 층층나무과)Cornus L. - 산공재, 계단상천공- 관공의 윤곽이 다각형, 고립관공 또는 복합관공- 축방향유세포는 산재상, 짧은 접선상- 계단상천공(바의 수: 23-41)- 방사조직은 이성1형, 2형, 3형, 1-5(6)열 - 말채나무 Cornus walteri- 곰의말채나무- 층층나무 Cornus controversa 2017. 1. 11.
Family Ulmaceae (The elm family 느릅나무과) Family Ulmaceae (The elm family 느릅나무과) Apananthe 푸조나무속 - 산공재, 단천공 - 축방향유세포 주위상, 익상, 대상유조직 - 방사조직 이성2형 또는 이성3형, 1-5(6)열 - 프리즘형 결정 존재- 푸조나무, Muku Tree, ムクノキ, 糙叶树 한국, 일본, 중국, 대만, 베트남 Ulmus 느릅나무속- 환공재, 공권 1-3열, 공권외 집합관공, - 방사조직 동성형, 1-6열 - 소도관에 나선비후- 결정 - 참느릅나무- 비술나무- 난티나무- 당느릅나무- 느릅나무 Zelkova 느티나무속- 환공재, 공권 1-3열, 집합관공, - 방사조직 동성형 또는 이성3형, 1-8열, 가장자리의 방형세포에 결정이 흔함, - 확장된 이형세포내 결정 존재- 소도관에 나선비후 - 느티나.. 2017. 1. 11.
Cornus walteri, 말채나무 Cornus walteri WangerinKorean Dogwood チョウセンミズキ 朝鮮松楊(mao lai) IAWA Hardwood codes of Korean dogwood(Wakter's dogwood) 1, 5, 9, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 30, 41, 49, 53, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 76, 77, 93, 97, 106, 115, 190 Anatomical features of Korean dogwood(Wakter's dogwood) photos by Hyunmin Jeong, South Korea 2016. 9. 10.
Cornus controversa, 층층나무 Cornus controversa Hemsl.층층나무 Giant dogwood, Wedding cake tree ミズキ– Japanese cornouiller des pagodes - French IAWA Hardwood codes of Giant dogwood1, 5,12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 30, 41, 48, 54, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 77, 93,98, 106, 107, 115, 189Anatomical features of Giant dogwood photos by Hyunmin Jeong, South Korea 2016. 9. 10.
Quantifying anatomical wood features in digital images_WLS, youtube his instruction film gives and overview of how to quantify anatomical features in digital images, presents guidelines and pitfalls, and introduces different anatomical metrics used for environmental research. Citation: G von Arx, A Stritih, K Čufar, A Crivellaro, M Carrer. 2015. Quantitative Wood Anatomy: From Sample to Data for Environmental Research. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3323.0169 - software :.. 2016. 8. 10.
Cross section of tree-ring core Cross section of tree-ring core from jirisan mt., Korea Korean fir Korean red pine (Japanese red pine) 2016. 8. 1.
Dr. Masaki Sano visited our dendrochronology lab. Dr. Masaki Sano visited the our dendrochronology lab in Chungbuk national university. 2016. 6. 15.