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ARSTAN manual

by SOUTH KOREA 2015. 6. 23.


by Richard L. Holmes, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona USA
Updated November 1994

Program DPLARS ARSTAN -- Chronology development, statistical analysis


Guide for computer program ARSTAN, by Richard L. Holmes and Edward R. Cook

Adapted from Users Manual for Program ARSTAN, in Tree-Ring Chronologies of Western North America: California, eastern Oregon and northern Great Basin, by R. L. Holmes, R. K. Adams and H. C. Fritts, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, 1986, pages 50 to 65.


Program ARSTAN produces chronologies from tree-ring measurement series by detrending and indexing (standardizing) the series, then applying a robust estimation of the mean value function to remove effects of endogenous stand disturbances. Autoregressive modeling of index series often enhances the common signal. Extensive statistical analysis of a common time interval provides characterization of the data set. Three versions of the chronology are produced, intended to contain a maximum common signal and a minimum amount of noise. Many options are provided to enable you to tailor the processing to a wide variety of situations and purposes.

The concept and methodology of Program ARSTAN were developed by Dr. Edward R. Cook at the Tree-Ring Laboratory, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York. ARSTAN includes several concepts not previously applied to tree-ring chronology development. In 1983 Dr. Cook provided the source code for Program ARSTAN to the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona, where Richard L. Holmes updated the program to ANSI standard FORTRAN-77 and in collaboration with Dr. Cook developed several enhancements.




You may use all series for the chronology (default), or select series to be included. If all series are to be used, the series belonging to the same tree may be determined automatically by the program for common interval analysis and/or tree summaries by leaving the chronology mask blank (see item 10 in the menu above).

If not all series are to enter the chronology, or an inconsistent method is used for identifying trees, a mask is entered into columns 1 to 80. Each column corresponds to a series sequence number. For common interval analysis, series from a given tree are coded sequentially '1', '2', '3', etc. This coding is necessary for calculating the average correlation for pairs within and between trees, and for computing the signal-to-noise ratio. Zeroes embedded in the mask cause those series to be excluded from the chronology.


Program ARSTAN will compute the optimum common interval, containing the maximum possible number of data in a rectangular matrix (length of common interval times number of series). If this is acceptable, respond with <CR>; otherwise type "N" and provide first and last years for the desired common interval analysis.




The *.CRN file created by the program contains three versions of the site chronologies with different time-series characteristics.

(1) 'STNDRD' version.

A chronology is computed of series of tree-ring data that have been detrended by curve-fitting to remove a large part of the variance due to causes other than climate. Program ARSTAN provides several choices of how this chronology is computed: single or two-stage detrending of measurement series may be done with a variety of options; indices for a series may be computed either as ratios (by division) or as residuals (by subtraction); variance may be stabilized; and the mean value function may be computed either as arithmetic means or as biweight robust estimated means to remove effects of endogenous stand disturbances and to enhance the common signal. If no autoregressive modeling is done, the STNDRD chronology is the only version produced.

(2) 'RESID' version.

The residual version is produced in the same manner as the STNDRD version, but in this case the series averaged are residuals from autoregressive modeling of the detrended measurement series. Robust estimation of the mean value function produces a chronology with a strong common signal and without persistence.

If modeling of the residual chronology reveals that it is an autoregressive process, the chronology is whitened by modeling the portion of the chronology containing four or more series, and applying the model to the entire residual chronology. This produces the 'RESID' version. If the initial residual chronology is not an autoregressive process it is not modeled. The earliest date of the RESID version may be one or more years later than the STNDRD, depending on the order of the AR model and of the rewhitening process.

(3) 'ARSTAN' version.

The pooled model of autoregression is reincorporated into the RESID version to produce the ARSTAN chronology. The pooled autoregression contains the persistence common and synchronous among a large proportion of series from the site, without including that found in only one or a very few series (Cook, 1985). It is intended to contain the strongest climatic signal possible. The earliest date of the ARSTAN chronology is usually the same year as the STNDRD, or if the RESID version required whitening, it is intermediate between the STNDRD and RESID versions.


If common interval analysis is done, the eigenvalues and the requested number of eigenvectors and principal component amplitudes for the common interval are written on the *.AMP file (default is to save four series). Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and principal component amplitudes are produced independently for the detrended series and the residual series.


Perform statistical analysis of a common time interval

Statistical analyses of tree-ring series are performed for a time interval entirely covered by many or most or occasionally all of the series. The interval may be a time span selected by the user or the optimum time span calculated by the program. The optimum span is that which includes the largest possible number of rings, calculated as the length of the span in years times the number of series covering the span.

Common interval analyses are done separately on the detrended ring-measurement series and on the autoregressively modeled series (white noise), and at the user's option, on the difference between the detrended and the modeled series (red noise).

Principal components analysis is done for each common interval analysis Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and principal components: _ARS.AMP

A large variety of statistics is calculated and written on the output for printing. The chronologies are listed and the last page is a summary of statistics.

* * * Output for printing: _ARS.OUT

* _ARS.xxx underscore stands for the user's three-letter identification.

* _ARS.xxx* Starred files are produced only at the user's request.

Routine ART Generate artificial time series

Generates a file of artificial time series to simulate tree-ring or other series. A random series is first created, with which all artificial series will "crossdate."

The normality of the distribution depends on the number of random values with a flat distribution (all values equally probable) that are averaged to approximate a normal distribution. Around 12 values gives a distribution close to normal. The fewer the number of values averaged the flatter is the distribution; the greater the number of values averaged, the more the distribution clusters around the midpoint.

Three types of distribution may be chosen:

0: Normalized, with mean of zero.

1: Indexed, with mean of one.

2: Negative values are changed to positive, giving a positively skewed distribution.

3: A constant is added to values in the time series to raise the smallest value to zero, thus there are no negative values.

You give the first and last year of each series, and provide an approximate first-order autocorrelation. Choose a proportion of noise to be added, which will make the series correlate less well with others as more noise is added. A cosine wave may be added to the series, specifying period, phase and magnitude of the wave.

Each series of generated data is self-documented and an unlimited number of series may be produced.

Routine BAR Bar plots by page or in columns

Makes bar plots of tree-ring or other time series in the same style as the bar plot of the master dating chronology produced in Program COF(COFECHA). In a file containing several series you may elect to plot or skip each series.

Routine BAR produces bar plots page by page as in Program COFECHA; or in continuous columns, up to ten in parallel on the page.

Each series is filtered by fitting a flexible cubic smoothing spline, then dividing the series by the spline curve values to remove trend and long waves. The resulting plots are similar to skeleton plots, except that longer bars in a bar plot indicate wide rings rather than narrow ones as in a skeleton plot.

The plot shows the date of each ring and its relative width by the length of the bar. At the end of the bar is an alphabetic code: each letter progressing through the alphabet indicates a quarter standard deviation from the local mean. Lower-case letters indicate rings narrower than the local mean, upper-case letters wider than the local mean; "@" indicates very close to the local mean. The length of bars is selected so that there is an equal number of bars of each length.

Bar plots may be used as a quick graphic presentation of a time series, to assist in crossdating as a skeleton plot is used, or to pinpoint the exact year of problems in crossdating or measurement.

Program CLD Climate diagrams

Climate diagrams are produced from monthly temperature and/or precipitation data. You may elect to produce climate diagrams either for a span of years or for selected individual years.

These diagrams permit rapid visual assessment of the climatic character of a year compared to the long-term average, since both values are displayed together.

The first diagram shows the average monthly temperature and/or precipitation for the entire time span of data. Means for each month are shown by a "T" for temperature and "P" for precipitation.

The diagrams which follow are for individual years. On the diagram for a given year the monthly values are plotted in upper-case "T" or "P" and the average monthly values for the entire span of data in lower-case "t" or "r". The interval displayed for each year covers 16 months from January through April of the following year.


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