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Main Gate of Imyeonggwan Guesthouse(강릉 대도호부 관아 삼문, 임영관 삼문)

by SOUTH KOREA 2014. 12. 1.

Main Gate of Imyeonggwan Guesthouse, Gangneung

강릉 대도호부 관아 삼문(임영관 삼문)



National Treasure No. 51 / 국보 51호 (designated date 1962.12.20)

 This is the the oldest of front gate in Korea, built in Goryeo Period(A.D. 919 -1392). The resident building has been destroyed and only this gate is remained. It was called Imyeonggwan with 83-room building in the 19th year of King Taejo of the Goryeo Period (936) with the tablet written by King Gongmin(A.D. 1351 - 1374).

 There had been various repairs, and it was used for a school building during the Japanese colonization. After being demolished, Gangneung police station was built in 1967.  The part of Gaeksa was moved to build Oseongjeong Pavilion on Namsan Mountain, Wolhwajeong Pavilion in Geumsan Mountain and Banghaejeong Pavilion in Gyeongpo .It occupies three rooms in the front and 2 rooms in the sides.The roof is made in the wedge-shaped style. The pillars are swollen in the middle and the large plywood gate was placed in the front.This is jusimpo style building, in which the pillars supporting the eaves are only placed at the top of the main pillar. Although it is simple without various armaments, the elegant carving skills represent the typical art works of the Goryeo Period.

(references. Cultural heritage Administration of Korea)

- Gabled Roof (Matbae Jibung)
   This roof, having triangular lateral sides without eaves at the corners, has a simple beauty

- Entasis pillar (Baeheallim Gidung)
   Pillars of this type are wide in the middle and have a narrow capital and a slightly wider base.

Front view of Sebyeonggwan 

Main Gate of Imyeonggwan front left(entasis pillar)

Main Gate of Imyeonggwan back right

Black Pine(Pinus thunbergii) and Main Gate of Imyeonggwan front right

Rafter, King post, Purlin, crossbeam of Main Gate of Imyeonggwan

back view of Sebyeonggwan 

in 1919, Around  Imyeonggwan guesthouse(image from brochure Ganneung city)

Architectural drawing of Main Gate of Imyeonggwan

강릉 대도호부 관아 삼문 건축도면(정면)

Architectural drawing of Main Gate of Imyeonggwan

강릉 대도호부 관아 삼문 건축도면(정면)

Architectural drawing of Main Gate of Imyeonggwan

강릉 대도호부 관아 삼문 건축도면(측면)

- Korea Historic buildings
- Asia architecture

+ 수리내역

통일신라시대: 범일이 염양사의 삼문을 관사터로 이전했다는 전설이 있음

1623-1625년: 관동읍지

1631-1633년: 관동읍지

1651-1653년: 관동읍지

1847-1848년: 관동읍지

1915년 : 장기인선생 회갑기념논문집(1976) 일정기의 문화재보존사업록

1939년: 객사문 지붕수리공사(문서만 존재)

1960-1961년 목공사, 번와공사, 미장공사, 고색단청

1966년: 목공수(연목 35본, 보충재 60재, 연정 140개), 번와공사(암기와 2,000매), 고색단청, 기단 및 배수로 공사

1970년: 보호책 설치, 안내판 1개소 신춘, 출입문 1개소 보수, 자연석 쌏기

1977년: 보호책신설(7.2m), 자연석 쌏기

1983년: 기초공사, 지붕공사(암기와 30매, 수기와 57매)

2000-2004년: 해체보수공사(서까래 단연과 장연으로 2단으로 변경공사, 이로 인하여 겨울철마다 폭설로 인해 매년 용마루가 손상)
